Best chin straps
Snoring chin strap


Effective and Comfortable

* DUAL BANDS:  Non-elastic blue band prevents jaw from lowering. Elastic white band provides gentle upwards force. Compound elastic-nonelastic force allows pressure to be minimized while still effective.

 * VERTICAL LIFT:  Bands lift from under jaw and attach at the temples to produce vertical force.  (Unlike standard neoprene chin straps which wrap around the tip of the chin and force the jaw directly into the jaw joint.)  
Vertical lift works with the natural rotation of the jaw.

* COMFORTABLE:  Washable.  Light, breathable net-mesh cap

By holding the jaw closed the tongue is pulled upward and forward, providing a clearer breathing passage.

As easy to use as 1,2,3

Chin strap

Step # 1

Put on head and adjust the rear size-adjustment strap. This keeps vertical bands secure through the night.

Chin strap

Step #2

Attach non-elastic blue strap snugly to Velcro patch.  Prevents jaw from lowering

Chin straps

Step #3

Add gentle upwards force with elastic white strap

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Chin straps

Rosy G.

Quality Control
Chin strap

Victoria C.

Master Taylor
chin straps

Abigail V.

Customer Service Rep.
Knightsbridge Dual Band Team
This chin strap provides unrivaled comfort while still delivering a supportive fit. You can use it alone for snoring, or you can wear it over or under a CPAP mask to prevent or eliminate mouth leaks.

Over Nasal Mask

Under Full Face Mask

Hope2sleep Charity's CPAP Results Using the DUAL BAND chin strap

The following chart shows some testing carried out with a CPAP user wearing his full face mask who is on good therapy with an AHI (apnoea hypopnoea index) of below 5, but leakage was not in good control.  As you can see on the left of the chart, the leakage was fairly high. 

The CPAP user then used the original Dual Band Premium Chinstrap (previous chinstraps tended to cause more leakage with this patient due to his jaw receding further with other chinstraps on).  He changed to a nasal mask but with little 'hope' tried the Dual Band Premium Chinstrap. Much to his delight with the nasal mask and Dual Band Premium Chinstrap his AHI lowered to less than 1 breathing event per hour and no leaks were recorded (see right of the chart). 

Not only does he feel better during the day due to nasal breathing, he has now ordered a nasal mask from his clinic due to the positive change in his therapy.

Chin Strap Results

Watch this explanatory video by Vik Veer

What Our Customers Are Saying

Snoopy's flying helmet

While I’m still getting used to sleeping with a head cover, it’s the best chinstrap I’ve used to date. It truly takes the pressure off the jaw joint. A recent sleep study noted I was swallowing the pressurized air and supplemental oxygen when my jaw relaxed in deep sleep. My instantaneous blood oxygen saturation was dropping into the mid-80’s and waking me. I was lucky to average 92% over 8 hours. Now I’m averaging 95-6% spO2 with no drops below 91%. The brain fog from O2 starvation has largely dissipated. Also switched to F/P full face mask which helps but still have to iron some minor issues with mask leaks ( deep face wrinkles around the jowles).

- James

Absolutely a critical product

I cannot emphasize enough how critical this product is to getting good sleep. I tried other chin straps in the past and they were either 1. ineffective 2. supremely uncomfortable 3. both.

If you are looking for something that actually WORKS, this is absolutely the way to go, hands down. GET ONE.

I'd strongly encourage everyone watch the reviews from Vik Veer and LankyLefty27 on YouTube.


- Justin M.

Big help with big problems

I bought the XL after measuring myself, as per the instructions, and it was too large. I contacted them and the customer service was very good. I paid shipping costs, but a new one is coming my way that should fit and I was allowed to keep the old one and hopefully modify it and make it work. I don't know how it will end up but the customer service is A+.

Dual Band Testimonials

Dual Bands and Vertical Lift for maximum comfort


  • Vertical lift works with the natural rotation of the jaw.

  • Non-elastic blue band prevents jaw from lowering.

  • Elastic white band provides gentle upwards force.

  •  Compound elastic-non elastic force allows pressure to be minimized. Therefore comfortable and effective.

  • Finally stop or reduce snoring or CPAP mouth leaks.

  • Get the restful, restorative sleep you need!
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